之前寫的用來 Dump 欄位說明欄內容的,主要是參照 Data Dictionary Creator 的功能,在 MySQL Workbench 中實現。(當然沒像 Data Dictionary Creator 功能那樣多樣就是了)
# wb_utils_dark_grt.py
# MySQLWorkbench
# Created by Dragon Chuang on 2010/09/04.
# Creative Common License.
# import the wb module
from wb import *
# import the grt module
import grt
# define this Python module as a GRT module
ModuleInfo = DefineModule(name= "PyWbUtilsDark", author= "Dragon Chuang", version= "1.0")
# this is just a function used by the plugin, it's not exported
def printTableLine(fields, filler= " "):
print "|",
for text, size in fields:
# DBCS在位置對齊時字數問題的修正 (WB 一個中文 len() 3, unicode 一個中文 len() 1, big5 一個中文 len() 2)
dbcssizefix= 0
dbcssizefix= len(text) - len(text.decode("utf-8").encode("big5"))
#print len(text), len(text.decode("utf-8").encode("big5"))
# 將換行取代成空白
print text.replace("\n"," ").ljust(size + dbcssizefix, filler), "|",
# @wbexport makes this function be exported by the module and also describes the return and
# argument types of the function
# @wbplugin defines the name of the plugin to "wb.catalog.util.dumpColumns", sets the caption to be
# shown in places like the menu, where to take input arguments from and also that it should be included
# in the Catalog submenu in Plugins.
@ModuleInfo.plugin("wb.catalog.util.dumpColumnComments", caption= "Dump All Table Column Comments", input= [wbinputs.currentCatalog()], pluginMenu= "Catalog")
@ModuleInfo.export(grt.INT, grt.classes.db_Catalog)
def printAllColumns(catalog):
lines= []
schemalen= 10
tablelen= 10
columnlen= 10
typelen= 10
commentbytes= 0
commentlen= 10
for schema in catalog.schemata:
schemalen= max(schemalen, len(schema.name))
for table in schema.tables:
tablelen= max(tablelen, len(table.name))
for column in table.columns:
columnlen= max(columnlen, len(column.name))
typelen= max(typelen, len(column.formattedType))
#print isinstance(column.comment, unicode)
# GRT 字串為 UTF-8 編碼,要先轉換成 Python 的 unicode,然後再轉成 big5 算長度 (bytes)
commentbytes= len(column.comment.decode("utf-8").encode("big5"))
commentlen= max(commentlen, commentbytes)
lines.append((schema.name, table.name, column.name, column.formattedType, column.comment))
printTableLine([("-", schemalen), ("-", tablelen), ("-", columnlen), ("-", typelen), ("-", commentlen)], "-")
printTableLine([("Schema", schemalen), ("Table", tablelen), ("Column", columnlen), ("Type", typelen), ("Comment", commentlen)])
printTableLine([("-", schemalen), ("-", tablelen), ("-", columnlen), ("-", typelen), ("-", commentlen)], "-")
for s,t,c,dt,dc in lines:
printTableLine([(s, schemalen), (t, tablelen), (c, columnlen), (dt, typelen), (dc, commentlen)])
printTableLine([("-", schemalen), ("-", tablelen), ("-", columnlen), ("-", typelen), ("-", commentlen)], "-")
print len(lines), "columns printed"
return 0